The Whey Prescription: The Healing Miracle in Milk

The Whey Prescription: The Healing Miracle in Milk

HEALTH / NUTRITION Since antiquity whey has been known as "healing water" by Greek physicians. Hippocrates and Galen both recommended whey to their patients. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, spas across Europe offered the whey cure to aristocrats and commoners alike. Modern scientific research has confirmed the curative capabilities attributed by our ancestors to this dairy product, but because it is highly perishable and must be consumed while very fresh, this cure fell out of favor in our modern urban age. Now, thanks to the availability of whey powder, this highly nutritious and effective healing agent is once more within the reach of everyone. Whey is the watery part of milk that is separated from the curd in the process of making cheese. It is rich in lactose, minerals, and vitamins. Beyond its nutritional value, whey has powerful detoxification properties and its therapeutic action is beneficial for the major organ centers of the body: heart, liver, kidneys, and intestines. It is especially effective in the treatment of liver ailments such as hepatitis as well as the treatment of skin problems, infections, edema, digestive disorders and gallstones, and the painful joint diseases of arthritis and rheumatism. Whey also has been shown to be a powerful treatment against obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. In addition to its ability to treat these specific illnesses, whey is a proven invigorating supplement that promotes overall good health and vitality. CHRISTOPHER VASEY, N.D, is a naturopath specializing in detoxification and rejuvenation. He is the author of The Water Prescription and the bestselling The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health. He lives near Montreux, Switzerland.

The Whey Prescription: The Healing Miracle in Milk

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Getting Well

Getting Well

Contents: What is Health; The Rationale of Disease; Compensation in Disease; Law Governs Disease; Physiology vs. Voodooism; The Story of Useless Organs; The Fun of Being Sick; How to get Well; Why Drugs; Quick Relief; Killing our Children; Curing Arthritis; Peptic Ulcers; What are Tumors; Curing Gallstones; Diabetes; Varicose Veins; Asthma; Warts; Influenza; Who's on a A Diet; Food cures; Vitamin Failures; When to Eat; Growing Old; Diseases of Middle Life; plus more.

Getting Well

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Getting Well

Getting Well

Contents: What is Health; The Rationale of Disease; Compensation in Disease; Law Governs Disease; Physiology vs. Voodooism; The Story of Useless Organs; The Fun of Being Sick; How to get Well; Why Drugs; Quick Relief; Killing our Children; Curing Arthritis; Peptic Ulcers; What are Tumors; Curing Gallstones; Diabetes; Varicose Veins; Asthma; Warts; Influenza; Who's on a A Diet; Food cures; Vitamin Failures; When to Eat; Growing Old; Diseases of Middle Life; plus more.

Getting Well

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Getting Well

Getting Well

Contents: What is Health; The Rationale of Disease; Compensation in Disease; Law Governs Disease; Physiology vs. Voodooism; The Story of Useless Organs; The Fun of Being Sick; How to get Well; Why Drugs; Quick Relief; Killing our Children; Curing Arthritis; Peptic Ulcers; What are Tumors; Curing Gallstones; Diabetes; Varicose Veins; Asthma; Warts; Influenza; Who's on a A Diet; Food cures; Vitamin Failures; When to Eat; Growing Old; Diseases of Middle Life; plus more.

Getting Well

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Gastrointestinal Health: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, Constipation, Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders

Gastrointestinal Health: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, Constipation, Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders

Do you suffer from heartburn? Is an ulcer bothering you? Are the difficult symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome compromising your life? If so, you are not alone. One in three Americans has some sort of digestive problem. After the common cold, gastrointestinal complaints are the biggest cause of employee absenteeism in the United States. And since GI disorders are so often interrelated, many people who have them suffer from two or more at the same time. Here, in a completely revised and updated edition, is everything you need to know to find fast relief from a wide range of gastrointestinal difficulties. Whether it's constipation, diarrhea, gas, hemorrhoids, ulcers, heartburn, colitis, gallstones, or one of the many other digestive tract problems, Dr. Steven Peikin's self-help nutritional program will help keep you out of the doctor's office-and feeling great. Based on the latest research and his own clinical experience, Dr. Peikin prescribes a healthy diet high in fiber and low in fat, spices, lactose, and caffeine. He provides a detailed list of "flag foods" to avoid in the case of specific problems and shows you how to use exercise, over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and stress management to complement the program. In this new edition, Dr. Peikin offers the latest information on the diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori, the bacterium that causes ulcers and stomach cancer; the newest remedies for severe heartburn; recommendations for avoiding colon cancer through screening and prevention; and a significantly expanded section on Inflammatory Bowel Disease. If you suffer from digestive problems, you know that gastrointestinalhealth can make all the difference in living comfortably from day to day. Dr. Peikin's classic book can show you the way.

Gastrointestinal Health: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, Constipation, Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders

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Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up

Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up

This book can be an invaluable aid in regaining digestive health. The veteran author and physician gives all the information needed to understand how digestion works and what foods will bring about a healthy digestive system. The right dietary changes can prevent, treat and in some cases completely eliminate a host of digestive disorders, many of which are prevalent among the baby boomer generation. Readers will learn in user-friendly language about acid reflux, colitis, colon polyps, ulcers, constipation, gallstones, high blood pressure, cholesterol and more. This practical information empowers individuals to make wise decisions about their diet that will benefit their health.

Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up

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Congenital Markers And Gastrointestinal Disorders

Congenital Markers And Gastrointestinal Disorders

The present study is an elucidation of different genetic markers like dermatoglyphics, ABO and Rh blood groups, ABH secretion status among the patients of gastrointestinal diseases (G.I.) and controls. Significant relationship between alcohol drinking and ulcerative colitis (UC) (p<0.05) and gallstone (GS) (p<0.01) diseases is established in the study. The number of smokers is relatively high in alcoholic pancreatitis (AP) and chronic alcoholic groups (CA). A considerable connection exists between non-vegetarian diet, alcoholic cirrhosis (AC), alcoholic pancreatitis and chronic alcoholic patients. The frequent incidence of blood group A in CA, AC and GS is noticed. In case of AP and UC high prevalence of blood group B is observed. The occurrence of non-secretors is significantly high in UC, GS and celiac disease as compared with that of controls. All the G.I. diseases show preponderance of loops followed by whorls. Arches and composites are almost equally distributed. It is also established that bilateral variation for dermatoglyphic characters is composite, i.e. determined by genes and influenced by environment depending upon the characters in question

Congenital Markers And Gastrointestinal Disorders

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